Grateful Appreciation, Reminders, Meet-n-Greet Event!

Dear and loyal readers of ZeroXR 13mg, I am thankful for your very touching feedback lately with regards to stuff like the contest or just letting me know what all is good and what needs improvement. I am also thankful that in my time of need, you all have been supportive of me to help me stand tall once again. To you, loyal readers, fans, and associates… I say thank you!

I would like to remind readers that my Bluetooth haiku contest has been extended, if you have not taken notice, I advise you to take a gander at this link for the details: ZeroXR 13mg Bluetooth Haiku Contest The main point is to have fun and be snarky or creative… I am hoping to give some of you potential contestants some time to construct your haikus due to some people saying the 1 week time frame was “unfair”.

As far as tonight’s frivolities at Times Ten Cellars, I’d like to extend that event to EVERYONE who wishes to join. Let’s just call it a ZeroXR 13mg Meet-n-Greet event, you can meet up with me and possibly get some Ubuntu related door prizes if I can scrounge around for them… Be you enemy, comrade, or a peer of mine… I shall welcome you with my sincerity and maybe even offer you a glass of delicious wine if you can put aside your differences. What good is it to hold grudges or be xenophobic when life can be tragically short, bitter and dull? If you wish to come, please feel free to drop me a comment or even give me a phone call if you have my contact information.

Let us laugh, drink, and be merry to forget and forgive things depressing events of yore to temper and forge new and much happier memories. For when the day passes, what good is it do enter a somber sleep while harboring thoughts and musings with considerable pain and anguish? Let us seize the day while things are still ripe. Let us imbibe the essence of fragrant berries and feel alive once more. Let us just be humans who are living like today is the end of the world.

My \"signature\"