Workout Log and Food Log (Breakfast) 03/19/2008

I had a horrid nightmare which killed my sleep to zero so I am running on basically nothing as far as restorative sleep goes. So not only did I lose sleep, but I also got up late to go train. I didn’t go to hard, just did some cardio to keep my heart toned up. I am wired from my sprint on the crossramp machine and my nightmare isn’t helping me focus. I know I should be feeling better, but the nightmare seemed too real. I’ll probably post a more personal entry about the nightmare if I even remember to focus on it. Let’s get on with my logging.

To one of my fans: Thank you for empowering me, I appreciate it like you could never believe.

Crossramp Machine

  • Duration: 15 Minutes + 5 minute cool down
  • Crossramp level 10
  • Resistance (workout/cool down) Level 6/5
  • Caloric burn: 205 Calories
  • Distance: 1.75 miles

Breakfast: Soy milk protein shake with L-Glutamine, 1/2 of a 16oz dose – 200 calories, 18 grams of protein.

I will be saving the other half of my dose for lunch at work as my nightmare has me so amped up that I have completely lost all appetite for today… Maybe I’ll get it back tonight… but I just don’t feel great at the moment.

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