Reconnecting to My Roots and Thanking My Dearest Friends

Holy hell, it’s been almost a whole year since I have written anything in this space. As an man of Asian descent, I have been trying to reconnect with my roots culturally as I have been dying to reconnect with culture.  As a geek, I have been making a slow return to intellectually stimulating hobbies such as Magic The Gathering and Munchkin to get my brain exercising again. With phones, I grew bored of the iOS universe and found an eventual movement to Android because the inner gadget hacker in me craved a new challenge. This phase of my life has been a rebirth of sorts as a lot of these things were sadly repressed for a while. I will confess and say it feels great to be a geek again without harassment on being proud of my intellect. As a preface, this is a dedication to all of my close, dear, and most loyal friends. Continue reading Reconnecting to My Roots and Thanking My Dearest Friends

Putting My “5oul on D!splay”

For the last while, a song from Gran Turismo 5 (which I reviewed for MTB) hit straight to the core of my heart just from the lyrical content from it. I have wanted to reflect on it a while and with finally clearing some of my work queue, I finally have a chance to put out my feelings over the song. It’s a moving song from the matter of breaking the conformity of others to keeping one’s own wishes and dreams alive. The song is titled “5oul on D!splay” by Daiki Kasho from Gran Tursimo 5’s soundtrack. Continue reading Putting My “5oul on D!splay”

The Gears of Change

The last few months have been filled with nothing but challenges… The biggest challenge being pushing for chasing one of my dreams. Normally, most would consider this highly silly.  Even more so, when you, the dream chaser, are not set in your life in any form or shape at all. To chase a dream oft means to live as a pauper and this I am content with. Sometimes the life of a beggar in hopes of a dream taking off like a freight train is not about the promise of riches. More importantly, it should be to chase the patriotic American Dream: “Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness”. Wealth should be a bonus to the grand chase and not the end-all-be-all. Sure, I have to cut back on lavish things in order to afford the gear and materials I need. Sure, it means I have become the type of person to critically narrow game purchases. To work towards the fruits of my labor with my comrades in arms has brought me much joy. I say bring on the joy!

Archiving My Blogging History

While I was working on a post for Mash Those Buttons… Their WordPress dashboard had a news post that Vox was going to be killed off by Six Apart by Sept 30, 2010. For me, I have a lot of memories I shared on there… I didn’t want my past to vanish and be a relic that was forever destroyed. I set up a private account on (so I don’t hose my primary blog). I am debating on putting them up for the public and possibly importing them here. For those interested, let me know and I may actually consider it.

The State of Zero and Rise of a New Project

Some may have wondered what’s with me disappearing all the sudden… I can safely say that I am not dead or gone. I am very much alive (however sick) today.

Back in late May, I was working with some friends on a potential project site (Project Cheddar Mash) that had no name… Around late June, we had a “soft” debut as Mash Those Buttons. Since late June, I have been cranking out quality posts for the site as well as editing posts from my peers. As the site is a video game review and culture site, I have also had the task of reviewing games and seeking contacts/links with publishers as well as members of the community. So far, I have a contact with Rockin’ Android as well as Aksys Games. My next few are (hopefully) Capcom, Atlus USA, possibly Namco Bandai USA. I will probably be pretty busy with working for MTB (Mash Those Buttons) this holiday season as it looks to be a packed holiday with tentative games coming out.

I will probably use this blog as a thinking space for my thoughts as well as a place to play with personal musings.

Hundred Push-Ups: Week 2, Days 2 and 3

Day 2 was 14, 16, 12, 12, 17 was pretty harsh on me, but a challenge no less.

Day 3 was pretty brutal on me, especially counting on the fact that well… I had a brutal day at work. It was 16, 17, 14, 14, 20. By the max out at 20, my arms felt like jelly… I was finished. I plan to take a max out test today and test my progress until I can’t push anymore. It will feel rewarding to have 1 day’s worth of rest before Week 3 is in full swing.

Hundred Push-Ups: Week 2, Day 1

Set: 14, 14, 10, 10, max of 15

I have simply decided to do the Level 3 sets from this point forward. I have felt massive improvements over my form from Week 1. The posture and form are far better now than ever in my life. I hope to push the bar further and progress even harder!

Hundred Push-Ups, Day 3

I took on the Level 3 set (11, 15, 9, 9, min 13) and it was a killer. My arms and chest are officially dead and exhausted out. I also feel ready for the weekend as it will be a nice 2 day reprieve until I begin again Monday with the Week 2 set.

Life, Games, Logic, and Tech